Examples of Naturalism Exoticism and Love of the Supernatural in Romantic Arts

Romantic Era Exoticism

C O Due north T E Northward T S:


  • Music was written in the romantic era style, fifty-fifty though they were afterwards that era.(More...)
  • George Bizet (1838 - 1875) was a French composer and Pianist in the Romantic era of music, whose all-time work is the opera Carmen.(More than...)


  • While exoticism is closely linked to Orientalism, information technology is not a motion necessarily associated with a detail fourth dimension menstruation or culture.(More...)


Music was written in the romantic era style, even though they were subsequently that era. [ane] The Romantic era was a period in which individual expression was of critical importance in the interpretation of music. [2] The epoch from the French Revolution to World War I comprises what is known equally the Romantic Era, and music this includes the years from approximately 1825 to 1900. [3] The highly chromatic works of Wagner and other late-nineteenth-century composers represented the last phase of this process, which led to a variety of alternative harmonic organizational structures that signaled the cease of the Romantic era, around the beginning of the twentieth century. [2] Composers of the Romantic Era and beyond strove to place the expression of emotional intensity at the forefront, and began to experiment with tonal combinations and instruments thereby creating a varied harmonic linguistic communication. [4] For Puccini, the musical tonality from the Romantic Era was well suited for him as he rode the wave of verismo opera. [four] During the Romantic era, an affectionate and sentimentalized portrait of the Middle Ages emerged that was usually no more accurate than the polemical characterizations of Enlightenment writers. [5] Nationalism also materialized in the Romantic era as a major component of the socio-political climate of the nineteenth century. [half dozen]

But as nationalism reflected a preoccupation with the composer'due south ain national heritage, exoticism was a Romantic fascination with music from other lands. [2] "Romantic Orientalism" the second term sometimes expanded to "Oriental exoticism" or "Oriental fantasy" brings together 2 concepts that continue to be much in dispute amongst theorists and literary historians. [7]

This experimentation was itself a result of a specific, well-defined trouble that was encountered by Romantic composers of the era, and was not the outcome of random factors. [3]

Two unlike themes of romantic art and literature flourished during the fur trade era: the pastoral elegaic and scientific exoticism. [viii] TAGS Romanticism, The arts, Romantic literature, Romantic Attitude, romantic era. [9] The Romantic era entails a motility in the literature and art of virtually every state of Europe, the United States, and Latin America that lasted from the late 18 th century to the early 19 th century. [ten] I am profoundly indebted to the writings and ideas of William H. Goetzmann of the University of Texas-Austin, whose work on the Romantic era of Western exploration and art has been the source of many of my own ideas. [8] It traveled speedily to the Western Hemisphere, and in its musical form has triumphed around the globe, so that from London to Boston to United mexican states Metropolis to Tokyo to Vladivostok to Oslo, the nearly pop orchestral music in the globe is that of the romantic era. [11] In Exploring Classical Music: The Romantic Era, Part one, we learned how their social situation and music reflected the passionate, emotional aesthetic of the age. [12] Are you lot ready for some of the almost exciting, lovely and sublime music ever? Dial in your Romantic Era station today and be prepared to be seriously moved. [12] The Romantic Era of the Western classical tradition, corresponding roughly to the 1800s, represented a radical shift in how composers saw themselves. [12] Equally fourth dimension passed, sophisticated writers and artists were less and less likely to be conventionally pious; but during the Romantic era many of them were drawn to religious imagery in the aforementioned way they were drawn to Arthurian or other ancient traditions in which they no longer believed. [11] Some of the major British poets during the Romantic era include William Blake, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Lord Byron. [10] While the poets in the era of rationality adhered to the prevalent rules and regulations while selecting a bailiwick and writing near information technology, the Romantic writers trusted their emotions and feelings to create poetry. [xiii]

These romantic celebs composed dramatic music inspired by nature, exoticism, and the supernatural. [12] Such exoticism consisted largely of simple stereotypes endlessly repeated, simply the Romantic age was also a menstruum in which Europeans traveled more ever to examine at first paw the far-off lands of which they had read. [11] Representative of the other romantic theme, that of scientific exoticism, were images derived from the art of George Catlin and Karl Bodmer. [8] From these images there came the consolidation of earlier mythical views of a Romanticized Due west and the invention of two co-existing Romantic traditions: pastoralism and scientific exoticism. [8] These two themes, modified by the American experience and the tendency of Americans to invoke a romantic vision of the Westward, became the filters of elegaic pastoralism and scientific exoticism which served to colour the sources and screen their transmission to the accepting public. [eight] Noree Chamber Soloists' February concert program was centered around the theme of Romantic exoticism. [14] Romantic exoticism is not always in tension with Romantic nationalism, for ofttimes the latter focused on obscure folk traditions which were in themselves exotic to the audiences newly exposed to them. [11] Just as Scott was the most influential strength in popularizing the romantic historical novel, exoticism in literature was inspired more past Lord Byronespecially his Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1812-1818)than by whatsoever other single writer. [11] "The Asra," too by Heine is a proficient example of the Romantic blend of exoticism and beloved. [15] NATIONALISM AND EXOTICISM: Romantic Period Chief Features In nationalism, composers used materials from the history of their native land to highlight their culture. [16] NATIONALISM AND EXOTICISM: Romantic Period Main Features In exoticism, on the other hand, uses influences from foreign lands in their compositions. [xvi]

Elements of both these themes are found in the art of Alfred Jacob Miller, George Catlin, and Karl Bodmer whose landscapes and portraits of the 1830s portrayed the fur trade era in its heyday, although Miller is most clearly associated with pastoralism and Bodmer with scientific exoticism. [8]

George Bizet (1838 - 1875) was a French composer and Pianist in the Romantic era of music, whose best piece of work is the opera Carmen. [17] By the early twentieth century, the sense that there had been a decisive break with the musical past led to the establishment of the nineteenth century as "The Romantic Era," and as such information technology is referred to in the standard encyclopedias of music. [xviii] In the Romantic era, music caused poetic or philosophical meaning. [19] In the twentieth century, Russian-American writer Ayn Rand chosen herself a romantic, and thought she might exist a bridge from the Romantic era to an eventual esthetic rebirth of the movement. [18]

Romantic music is more lyrical/programmatic than the dramatic/absolute music of the Classical era. [19]

While exoticism is closely linked to Orientalism, it is not a move necessarily associated with a detail time menses or culture. [20] In music, exoticism is a genre in which the rhythms, melodies, or instrumentation are designed to evoke the atmosphere of far-off lands or ancient times (e.g. Ravel's Daphnis et Chloé and Tzigane for Violin and Orchestra, Debussy'south Syrinx for Flute Solo or Rimsky-Korsakov's Capriccio espagnol ). [20]

Scholar Alden Jones defines exoticism in art and literature as the representation of one culture for consumption by another. [twenty] Like orientalist subjects in 19th-century painting, exoticism in the decorative arts and interior decoration was associated with fantasies of opulence. [20]

As classicism progressed, Ingres identified a newfound idealism and exoticism in his piece of work. [xx] Exoticism may take the form of primitivism, ethnocentrism, or humanism. [20] Victor Segalen's important "Essay on Exoticism" reveals Exoticism as built-in of the age of imperialism, possessing both aesthetic and ontological value, while using it to uncover a significant cultural "otherness". [xx]

Though most scholarship on musical exoticism has been focused on Western fine art music, this article volition include citations of work on exoticism in popular music and on alternative forms and sites of exotic representation. [21] The Romantic opera in Deutschland culminated in the works of Richard Wagner, who combined and integrated such diverse strands of Romanticism as fervent nationalism; the cult of the hero; exotic sets and costumes; expressive music; and the display of virtuosity in orchestral and vocal settings. [5] Romantic efforts to express a particular nation's distinctiveness through music was manifested in the works of the Czechs Anton'n Dvořák and Bedřich Smetana and by various Russian, French, and Scandinavian composers. [5] The thought of program music, intended past the composer to draw specific nonmusical ideas, was another important aspect of nineteenth-century Romantic style. [2] Although Romanticism peradventure reached its zenith in the lush harmonies, brilliant orchestration, and lyrical melodies of composers like Puccini, Wagner, Brahms, and Tchaikovsky, the latter years of the nineteenth century conspicuously reveal that continuation of Romantic style would not have proven practical. [6] Romantic Orientalism continues to develop into the nineteenth century, paralleling some other component of Romanticism already presented in the Norton Spider web sites, "Literary Gothicism." [7] In literary history, Romantic Orientalism is the recurrence of recognizable elements of Asian and African identify names, historical and legendary people, religions, philosophies, art, compages, interior decoration, costume, and the like in the writings of the British Romantics. [7] Today a number of literary theorists have called into question two major Romantic perceptions: that the literary text is a separate, individuated, living "organism"; and that the creative person is a fiercely independent genius who creates original works of art. [22] Romantic opera in Frg began with the works of Carl Maria von Weber, while Romantic opera in Italian republic was developed past the composers Gaetano Donizetti, Vincenzo Bellini, and Gioachino Rossini. [five] At nearly this same time English Romantic poetry had reached its zenith in the works of John Keats, Lord Byron, and Percy Bysshe Shelley. [5] The Orientalism of British Romantic literature has roots in the first decade of the eighteenth century, with the earliest translations of The Arabian Nights into English (from a version in French, 170508). [7] Although in both Frg and England at that place was continued interest in the aboriginal classics, for the almost part the Romantics centrolineal themselves with the very periods of literature that the neoclassicists had dismissed, the Middle Ages and the Baroque, and they embraced the author whom Voltaire had called a barbarian, Shakespeare. [22] As noted earlier, high Romantic artists interpreted things through their own emotions, and these emotions included social and political consciousness--as one would expect in a period of revolution, ane that reacted so strongly to oppression and injustice in the world. [22]

It should be noted, however, that throughout the history of music there has been a tension between the Classical and Romantic views of life and art. [2] Symbolism and myth were given great prominence in the Romantic formulation of art. [22] In Romantic theory, art was valuable not so much equally a mirror of the external globe, merely as a source of illumination of the world inside. [22]

This extended chronological spectrum (1770-1870) likewise permits recognition equally Romantic the poetry of Robert Burns and William Blake in England, the early writings of Goethe and Schiller in Germany, and the great period of influence for Rousseau's writings throughout Europe. [22] Romantics gave greater attending both to describing natural phenomena accurately and to capturing "sensuous nuance"--and this is as true of Romantic landscape painting as of Romantic nature verse. [22] Romantic nature poetry is essentially a poetry of meditation. [22] The Romantics tended to define and to present the imagination as our ultimate "shaping" or creative ability, the approximate human equivalent of the creative powers of nature or even deity. [22] In the Romantic view, symbols were the human being aesthetic correlatives of nature'due south emblematic language. [22] In order to accommodate the changes in touch typical of Romantic style, composers found themselves penning longer compositions. [6] The general characteristics of Romantic fashion were discussed before. [2] The idea of rubato (mentioned before) wherein the tempo varies is an important aspect of Romantic style. [2]

The Italian Romantic opera was brought to the height of its development by Giuseppe Verdi. [five] As opposed to everyday subjects, diverse forms of the exotic in time and/or place also gained favor, for the Romantics were also fascinated with realms of beingness that were, by definition, prior to or opposed to the ordered conceptions of "objective" reason. [22] Annihilation mysterious or exotic appealed to the Romantic mind. [2]

A notable by-product of the Romantic interest in the emotional were works dealing with the supernatural, the weird, and the horrible, as in Mary Shelley'south Frankenstein and works past C.R. Maturin, the Marquis de Sade, and Eastward.T.A. Hoffmann. [5] In the side by side generation the great genre of English Romantic landscape painting emerged in the works of J.M.West. Turner and John Constable. [5] In Germany Romantic painting took on symbolic and allegorical overtones, every bit in the works of P.O. Runge. [v]

In French republic the principal early on Romantic painters were Baron Antoine Gros, who painted dramatic tableaus of contemporary incidents of the Napoleonic Wars, and Théodore Géricault, whose depictions of individual heroism and suffering in The Raft of the Medusa and in his portraits of the insane truly inaugurated the movement around 1820. [5] The texts and additional background materials included in this topic heighten the reading of canonical Romantic poems and fictions, likewise equally suggest how those poems and fictions connect with the political and social concerns of their real-life historical contexts. [seven] Such recontextualizing of Romantic Orientalism gives it a decidedly contemporary and political character involving questions of national identity, cultural difference, the morality of imperialist domination, and consequent feet and guilt concerning such problems. [vii] As a spate of new books and manufactures attests, a political approach to Romantic Orientalism is currently one of the major enterprises amongst critics and theorists. [seven] The European Romantic imagination was saturated with Orientalism, just it reflected persistent ambivalence concerning the East, complicated in Britain past colonial feet and imperial guilt. [7]

A significant Romantic theme became the contrast betwixt creative person and heart-class "Philistine." [22] Caspar David Friedrich, the greatest High german Romantic artist, painted eerily silent and stark landscapes that can induce in the beholder a sense of mystery and religious awe. [5] The interior journeying and the development of the self recurred everywhere as bailiwick cloth for the Romantic artist. [22] Information technology is only very recently that any really significant turning away from Romantic paradigms has begun to take place, and fifty-fifty that turning away has taken place in a dramatic, typically Romantic way. [22] In another way besides, the Romantics were ambivalent toward the "real" social world around them. [22]

William Blake, the other principal early Romantic painter in England, evolved his own powerful and unique visionary images. [5] Emphasis on the activity of the imagination was accompanied by greater emphasis on the importance of intuition, instincts, and feelings, and Romantics by and large called for greater attention to the emotions as a necessary supplement to purely logical reason. [22]

Britannica Classic: "The Spirit of Romanticism" A discussion of the key events and personalities of the late 18th- and early 19th-century Romantic movement in literature, music, and art. [5] It should be noted that the revolutionary energy underlying the Romantic Move affected not just literature, but all of the arts--from music (consider the ascension of Romantic opera) to painting, from sculpture to architecture. [22]

Romantic tendencies were evident in the music of all three of the preeminent Viennese classical composers (particularly Mozart and Beethoven), and by the end of Beethoven's career, the romantic spirit was firmly entrenched in Europe, remaining the ascendant force in music until the beginning of the twentieth century. [two] Romantic composers used standard annotation and indicated in relatively specific terms the way they wished for their music to be performed. [ii] In general, the Romantic composer was slow in discovering and using folk songs in their music. [3] In performing music of the Romantic period, the tempo should be elastic, reflecting the expressive nuances of text. [2] Programme music: Programmatic music is a new development during the romantic menses. [23]

The early Romantic period thus coincides with what is ofttimes called the "age of revolutions"--including, of grade, the American (1776) and the French (1789) revolutions--an historic period of upheavals in political, economic, and social traditions, the historic period which witnessed the initial transformations of the Industrial Revolution. [22] Information technology is from the historians of English and German literature that we inherit the convenient gear up of last dates for the Romantic period, beginning in 1798, the yr of the beginning edition of Lyrical Ballads past Wordsworth and Coleridge and of the limerick of Hymns to the Night by Novalis, and ending in 1832, the year which marked the deaths of both Sir Walter Scott and Goethe. [22] For practical purposes, "Romantic" here refers to the writers (and the ideas and culture they reverberate) of the Romantic Catamenia department of the Norton Anthology of English Literature, where the dates are given as 17851830. [vii]

Along with its well-studied interests in the inner workings of the heed, connections with nature, and exercise of a transcendental imagination, the Romantic Period in Great britain is at present recognized as a time of global travel and exploration, accession of colonies all over the globe, and development of imperialist ideologies that rationalized the British takeover of distant territories. [7] Music aestheticians, likewise as the noted philosophers Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche, argued over the exact nature of musical "content" and whether music may contain emotion; nevertheless, about listeners hear a directness of emotional expression in Romantic music. [half-dozen] Without exception, the musical giants of the era were primarily composers of instrumental music. [2] This fascination with tone color and the utilise of augmented instrumental forces helps explain the authorization of instrumental music in this era. [2] Singers should never push the tone or brand information technology strident, and great care must be exercised in selecting music from this era for performance by a school choir. [2]

The exotic, fanciful, and grotesque inspired composers of the era. [6] This period between 1916 and 1928, was known as the Warlord Era. [iv]

Full general studies of exoticism tend to offer either a critical overview of the scholarly field and exploration of the term itself or a wide chronological survey of examples from Western music history. [21] Considers Edward Said's political critique of Orientalism, the overlap of Orientalism and exoticism, and its application to music criticism in such examples as Said 1993, Richardson 1999 (cited under 1950-Present ), and (particularly) Locke 2009. [21] Argues there has been a retreat from disquisitional theory in recent writing on musical exoticism, taking Bellman 1998 to task for observing examples of musical Orientalism without evaluating them in political terms. [21] Explores multiple applications of the terms "exoticism" and "Orientalism" and argues that music functions inside exotic representation both with and without exotic stylistic markers. [21]

Very broad survey of exoticism organized by composers' nationality, interweaving discussion of national styles, nationalism, and exoticism in music and literature. [21] The pervasive touch of racial perceptions and realities on the product and consumption of music conspicuously shapes musical exoticism. [21] Case studies, including on alla turca, representations of Spain and Gypsies/Roma, Russian exoticism, the influence of gamelan music in the West, Indian influence on pop music, and jazz and exoticism. [21] Argues for acquittance of the inherent multiplicity of exoticism and discusses globalization in music. [21]

In much of the all-encompassing literature on the subject area, exoticism is considered a form of representation in which peoples, places, and cultural practices are depicted equally foreign from the perspective of the composer and/or intended audience. [21] "exoticism" is most properly considered in its predicate class: to exoticize, both through acts of representation and perception. [21]

Said's argument that the European report and representation of exotic others supported imperialist political projects has been hugely influential in musical scholarship on exoticism. [21] In before usage of the term, "exoticism" and "exotic" referred to an inherent quality or status of the not-Western other. [21] Scholars differ on the human relationship between the term exoticism and such other terms as Orientalism, primitivism, medievalism, and archaicism. [21] For the purposes of this bibliographical article, and reflecting electric current scholarly usage, nosotros will consider exoticism every bit a term encompassing the others and as roughly equivalent to Orientalism. [21] Born and Hesmondhalgh 2000 presents the most critically focused exploration of the term, engaging with postcolonial perspectives and the role of exoticism in political power relations, and Head 2003 is a pointed critique of the scholarly field, with Bellman 2011 serving as a rebuttal and critique of postcolonial approaches. [21]

Examples of exoticism may be found throughout history and beyond the globe and in genres ranging from opera seria to ringtones. [21] Bellman 1998 is a drove that offers focused case studies of major examples of Western exoticism, and Scott 1998 briefly catalogs similar examples, every bit does Parker 1917, an essay of primarily historical interest. [21] Though information technology lacks the darkness of the previous works, Rimsky Korsakov'south Sheherazade (1888) demonstrates exoticism through its narration of the tales of Sinbad, as well as other stories from 1001 Arabian Nights. [6] A culmination/compilation of Locke's extensive work on exoticism. [21]

Multiauthored collection offering a solid introductory survey of musical exoticism. [21] Criticizes "narrow" and reductivist approaches to musical exoticism allegedly institute in postcolonial studies, with Caput 2003 every bit the primary target. [21]

Multiauthored volume opening with an extended introduction to fundamental questions relevant to exoticism mostly, every bit well as discussion of postcolonial analysis and globalization. [21] This practice is known as Exoticism and was a strong trend in the nineteenth century. [3]

The Romantic period began with the 2nd quarter of the nineteenth century. [2] Ludwig van Beethoven and Franz Schubert bridged the Classical and Romantic periods, for while their formal musical techniques were basically Classical, their music's intensely personal feeling and their use of programmatic elements provided an important model for 19th-century Romantic composers. [5] Although the forms of the Classic period continued to be used by Romantic composers, they took many more liberties with them, expanding and contracting them to suit their individual tastes. [2] During the Romantic period, both miniature and heroic forms became popular. [2] The Romantic spirit often found inspiration in poetic texts, legends, and folk tales, and the linking of words and music either programmatically or through such forms as the concert overture and incidental music is some other distinguishing feature of Romantic music. [5] The lieder of Schubert exemplify the romantic spirit in a small and intimate form, only as Mahler's Symphony of a 1000 does then by involving ii four-part choirs, a boys' choir, seven soloists, and a large orchestra in an undertaking and then massive that it limits the opportunities to hear it performed. [2]

In America, the great landscape painters, especially those of the "Hudson River School," and the Utopian social colonies that thrived in the 19th century, are manifestations of the Romantic spirit on this side of the Atlantic. [22] Puccini'due south Turandot, based on the 1762 commedia dell'arte play written by Carlo Gozzi, later translated and re-interpreted to fit the Romantic movement in 1801 by Friedrich Schiller, was based on a Farsi tale called Turan-Dokht, or the daughter of Turan, from the ballsy Haft Peykar (The Vii Beauties) written by the 12th century poet Nizami. [iv] The first phase of the Romantic movement in Federal republic of germany was marked by innovations in both content and literary mode and by a preoccupation with the mystical, the hidden, and the supernatural. [v] Puccini'southward musical and dramatic style stem from the Romantic motility. [4]

It is one of the curiosities of literary history that the strongholds of the Romantic Movement were England and Germany, not the countries of the romance languages themselves. [22] Wordsworth's "Preface" to the 2nd edition (1800) of Lyrical Ballads, in which he described poetry as "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings," became the manifesto of the English language Romantic movement in poetry. [5] Nationalism dominated feeling and thought to such a cracking extent in the nineteenth century that it became a decisive power in the Romantic motion. [three] One way in which the Romantic spirit was expressed in the nineteenth century was through nationalism. [2] The Romantic spirit requires the loosening of formal constraints and the uninhibited expression of the private composer's ideas and emotions. [ii]

Romanticism has very footling to exercise with things popularly thought of equally "romantic," although love may occasionally exist the subject field of Romantic art. [22] The Romantic Art Vocal: A musical composition for solo voice and piano. [23] Song Bike: Is a gear up of romantic art songs that may exist unified by a story line that runs through the poems, or past musical ideas linking the songs. [23]

The accessory of a romantic fine art song is an integral office of the composers conception, and information technology serves equally an interpretive partner to the voice. [23] The nearly important inspiration for romantic fine art was Nature. [23]

Romantic composers were anxious to exploit to the fullest the potential of the orchestra in terms of tone colour, also as pitch and dynamic range, making unprecedented demands on players. [2] The Romantic composers tended to write out exactly what they wanted in the way of dynamics, tempo, and expression. [2]

The emphasis on emotions also spread to the music created in that menstruum, and can exist observed in the compositions made past musicians like Weber, Beethoven, Schumann, etc. Beethoven played an important function in the transition of Western music from the Classical to the Romantic age. [xiii] Much of the invented tradition that adult from the early images of the West was based in American interpretations of the European Romantic tradition and grew out of the art and literature that surrounded the American fur trade of the Rocky Mountains. [8] Although less well known by name than Catlin, Karl Bodmer'south work was of arguably equal significance as a source of American romantic images of the West, largely because of the widespread use of Bodmer'southward art as illustrations. [viii] With reference to the Romantic tradition of the American West, the first coherent images which became myth and after tradition began, interestingly enough, in an official exploring trek of the United States government, an expedition that was well grounded in the doctrine of Jeffersonian rationalism that typified the Age of Enlightenment. [8] Catlin was equally of import a shaper of American images of the Due west equally any author or illustrator of his time and perhaps more of import than any of his contemporaries as an inventor of the tradition of the Romantic West. [8] With this invitation and Miller's acceptance of information technology, the romantic epitome of the American West was provided with one of its strongest and earliest sets of source materials and one of the key inventors of the romantic tradition of the Westward was launched upon his vivid-just-short career. [8] The early on nineteenth century artistic and literary representations of the American West constitute "an most unmatched run a risk in exploration and discovery", and a classic example of the invention of a tradition--the tradition of the Romantic W. [8] During the start four decades of the nineteenth century, a romantic image of the American West was invented. [8] Information technology began as an enlightenment experience and ended as a romantic one; it marked the ending of one phase of western exploration--the consolidation and refinement of French and Spanish images of the American Northwest--and the offset of another--the encounter of observers with the chimera of the West beyond the Mississippi, with the potential Eden through which ran shallow rivers from mountains of pure crystal beyond an endless ocean of prairie. [8] The romanticism inherent in both Catlin and Bodmer paintings and illustrations was more than in their pick of subject than in their depiction; and information technology is in their portrayals of the native inhabitants of the West where both Catlin and Bodmer best combine their romantic visions of nature with a scientific and ethnological approach to subjects that were, for most Americans, highly exotic. [8] It is hard to say at what betoken during the ii and a half years of this kickoff American encounter with the West that the transition from Enlightenment to Romantic observer was made or what point the first beginnings of a romantic tradition occurred. [eight] During the period in which the beginning romantic traditions of the West were invented, the decade of the 1830s, Catlin'due south piece of work was restricted primarily to portrayals of Indian life. [eight] Perhaps more than any other artist depicting western themes in the showtime half of the nineteenth century, Bodmer's work was used as illustrative material in a wide range of applications, from newspapers to travel literature to romantic novels. [8] Whereas classical art looked back constantly to the ancient Greeks and Romans, the Romantics celebrated for the first time since the Renaissance the wilder aspects of the inventiveness of Western Europeans from the 12th through the 14th centuries: stained drinking glass in soaring cathedrals, tales of Robin Hood and his merry men, andabove allthe former tales of King Arthur and the knights of the circular table. [11] When the artists and writers of the 1830s offset penetrated the vastnesses of the Plains and Rockies they unfolded what William Goetzmann has called "a romantic horizon," a natural phase that offered boundless potential for the American imagination, already stimulated past the European Age of Romance. [8] The fashion is reminiscent of European romantic paintings of the same period and although the apparel and costume of the "bride" is certainly and unmistakably Native American, the "bride" bears no indigenous or racial resemblance to an Indian adult female. [eight] They did not depend upon European tradition but upon American experience and upon the invention of tradition; and as such they represented "one of the clearest examples of the confrontation of the commonage romantic imagination with new experience in nature." [8] They would, for the nigh part, retain the romantic flavour which characterized them in the opening years of the Great Migrations and the invented tradition became institutionalized or universalized as a part of traditional American interpretations of the West. [viii] If this is so, then the efforts of the romanticists of the 1830s were successful; the invented tradition is still with us today and fifty-fifty the efforts of revisionist historians to "show the due west as information technology really was" accept had relatively piffling result on the overall continuing acceptance of the romantic tradition among the American public. [viii] Although some scholars may have claimed otherwise, the early on romantic artistic and literary impressions of the sublime horizons of the American West were neither derivative nor documentary. [8]

It was a fascination that was echoed in the pages of the literary works of Irving and Maximilian and other romantic writers of the menstruation. [viii] Romantic artists took no shame from being influenced by the folklore that had been created by the masses or the mutual people, and not by the literary works that were popular only among the higher echelons of the social club. [13] Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, who for some virtually typify the romantic poet in their personal lives likewise as in their work, wrote against social and political wrongs and in defense of the struggles for liberty in Italy and Greece. [10] Political and social causes became ascendant themes in romantic poesy and prose throughout the Western world, producing many vital human documents that are still pertinent. [10] Miller's western landscapes themselves, although fairly well depicted when shown in small views or when the state serves only as a backdrop for a set of human or animal actors are often as obscured by romantic pastoralism every bit they are a articulate depiction of the human being and brute inhabitants of the West. [8] Such were the romantic images of the West in 1840--blends of the pastoral and dramatically exotic, sometimes comforting in their familiarity yet, at the same time, total of spendid mystery. [8] First every bit early as the expedition of Lewis and Clark, romantic myths began to be created almost the W and from these myths an epitome of the W equally a place of romance was gradually produced. [eight]

Byron in literature and Beethoven in music are both examples of romantic individualism taken to extremes. [11] That didn't mean he was a milk-toast: Mendelssohn's music poured his romantic passion into tried-and-truthful classical forms. [12] The Romantic artists didn't follow these norms, they resepected and encouraged art in every form. [13] In comparing with other early artists, such as Catlin and Bodmer, Miller's fine art was more than heavily influenced by his romantic prepossessions. [8] Better than nearly whatever artist who depicted Indian life in the nineteenth century, Miller's representations of Indians expresses the spirit of the century'southward romantic preoccupation with the noble redmen of the farther Westward. [8] As no Romantic artist followed whatever strict set up of rules or regulations, it is hard to ascertain the characteristics of this movement accurately. [13]

It was a formative influence on subsequently English romantic poetry and on the nature tradition represented in English literature, most notably by Wordsworth. [10] What, exactly, was so new about the Romantic world view? Commencement of all, the Romantics turned away from the intellectual tradition of the Western World which held that reason was the fashion to know and understand the world. [15] In the woodcut illustrative material which accompanied the showtime editions of the Lewis and Clark journals, for instance, were no traces of an invented romantic tradition. [8] The contemporary vogue for "Victorian" designs is just 1 of many examples of the frequent revivals of Romantic tastes and styles that have recurred throughout the twentieth century. [11] The great minds of the 20th century have generally rejected sentimentalism, even defining its essence as false, exaggerated emotion; and nosotros tend to find mawkish or fifty-fifty comical much that the Romantic age prized as moving and beautiful. [eleven] The Romantics were fascinated by exotic stories and eccentric individuals; they loved the "folk" and folktales and rejected much of the traditional, upper-grade culture of the eighteenth century, preferring the Middle Ages, foreign nationals, and colorful ethnic cultures. [15] Scholars of English language literature are decumbent to make much of the stardom betwixt the Romantic and Victorian Ages, but for our purposes the latter is best viewed every bit simply a subsequently phase of the former. [11] As romantic literature everywhere adult, imagination was praised over reason, emotions over logic, and intuition over science--making way for a vast body of literature of great sensibility and passion. [ten] "A Spruce is Continuing Lonely," by Heine is a good instance of a Romantic poet infusing natural objects with human emotions: A bandbox is standing lonely in the North on a arid height. [15] This interaction of emotion and scenery is typical of Romantic poesy, whether it involves giving human personality to a natural object, such as a tree, or tying the landscape to the mood of the poet. [fifteen] Romantic poets were particularly sensitive to the relationship between man emotions and the surrounding landscape. [15] The Romantic landscape is ane of human being emotion blended with rugged mountains, wild grottoes and untamed countryside. [fifteen] The Romantics, merely as they cultivated sensitivity to emotion more often than not, peculiarly cultivated sensitivity to nature. [11] The Romantics greatly emphasized on the importance of nature and the fundamental feelings of awe, apprehension and horror felt by man when in communion with the sublimity of it. [13] Where Voltaire and his friends believed that they could recall through a problem and come to a reasonable answer, Rousseau and the Romantics cried, NO! thinking volition not give u.s.a. the answers we need to the meaning of life nor help us to experience the essential nature of existence and the world; we must FEEL what is correct and larn to know about the world through our feelings. [15] Romantics oftentimes emphasized the beauty, strangeness, and mystery of nature. [9]

As the Romantics became interested and focused upon developing the folklore, culture, linguistic communication, customs and traditions of their own country, they developed a sense of Nationalism which reflected in their works. [13] French classical theater had been the preeminent model for drama in much of Europe; but when the German Romantics began to explore and translate his works, they were overwhelmed. [11] The distances demand not be terribly peachy: Spain was a favorite "exotic" setting for French Romantics, for instance. [11] The French Revolution was a major influence on the Romantics, every bit were the wars and revolutions that followed. [15] The last set of romantic painters include the French masters: Delacroix and Gericault. [24] Inspiration for the romantic approach initially came from ii bully shapers of thought, French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau and German language writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. [10]

Americans shaped images that belonged to the two mainstream themes of romantic thought equally derived from the salons of Paris on the one manus and from Humboldtean science on the other. [8] The image of the poet as a lyre, or an aeolian harp (a current of air harp) is an of import romantic concept. [15] The romantic writers and poets made a genuine suspension with the rational, orderly thinking of the eighteenth century Enlightenment. [15] Not all romantic poets were anti-establishment all the time. [xv] The modern fascination with self-definition and self-invention, the notion that boyhood is naturally a time of rebellion in which i "finds oneself," the idea that the all-time path to faith is through private option, the idea that authorities exists to serve the individuals who have created it: all of these are products of the romantic commemoration of the individual at the expense of society and tradition. [11] Abrams, Thousand. H. The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic theory and the critical tradition. [15] Writers like Owen Wister would build upon the romantic tradition begun past Washington Irving and William Stewart. [8]

This is non the place to trace the long and complex history of how the transcendent, irrational, cocky-subversive passion of a Romeo and Juliet came to be considered the birthright of every European citizen; but this conviction which continues to shape much of our thinking about relationships, wedlock, and the family unit found its mature form during the Romantic age. [11] New Heloise, Rousseau's offset book is a romantic story told in the form of letters. [xv] Information technology was the romantics who first historic romantic love every bit the natural birthright of every human being, the most exalted of human being sentiments, and the necessary foundation of a successful marriage. [11] Romantic poets wrote nigh the abuse of governments and the man suffering caused by violence. [15] Of class, the Romantics wrote about human dear, especially in its more unusual variations. [xv]

In opera, a new Romantic atmosphere combining supernatural terror and folklore was evolving as Carl Weber equanimous, "Der Freischutz." [9] The Romantics borrowed heavily from the folklore and the popular local art. [xiii] The Romantics were interested in the supernatural and included it in their work. [xiii] Although the dandy Romantic works oft center on terror or rage, the motive forcefulness backside these passions is well-nigh often a human relationship between a pair of lovers. [11] If the English romantics exalted Shakespeare'southward works as the greatest of their classics, his event on the Germans was positively explosive. [xi] The trend toward the irrational and the supernatural was an important component of English and German romantic literature. [ten] One example of a Romantic political verse form is Victor Hugo's "Memory of the Night of the 4th" which describes a child shot by the soldiers of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte during ceremonious disturbances in 1851: "The child had been struck by two bullets in the caput. [15] It was in the Romantic periodnot coincidentally also the catamenia of the industrial revolutionthat such concern with individualism became much more widespread. [11] Whereas the Romantic lyric poetry of Coleridge, Shelley, Keats and Wordsworth had a negligible influence outside of their native tongue, the sweep of Byron's longer poems translated well into other languages and other artistic media. [eleven] To the Romantics, however, he was the essence of folk poetry, the ultimate vindication of their organized religion in spontaneous creativity. [11] The attention to the details of a modest home, the top in the child's pocket, the former grandmother, these likewise are the stuff of romantic poetry. [xv] The first figures on these pages reflect a sort of transition, and consist of iii men whose imaginative and visionary paintings had a tremendous touch on upon the subsequent romantics, without themselves beingness painters of the outset rank: Henry Fuseli, William Blake, and Francisco de Goya y Lucientes. [24] The isolated landscape each tree sits in is a reflection of the isolated emotions of each tree, another typical Romantic device. [15] Of all the emotions celebrated by the Romantics, the most popular was honey. [11]

Romantic pastoralism and romantic science were both nowadays in the images of the land itself, its plains and mountains and vast, empty spaces of heaven and light--and in the images of the country's inhabitants--natives and white trappers and animals. [8] But as Romantics responded to the longing of people for a distant past, so they provided images of distant places. [11]

The Romantic perception of the artist as the creator is best encapsulated past Caspar David Friedrich, who remarked that "the artist'south feeling is his law". [13] The Romantics chose to embrace imagination and feeling as truer ways of agreement the world. [15] Often combined with this feeling for rural life is a generalized romantic melancholy, a sense that change is imminent and that a mode of life is beingness threatened. [10]

Endeavor equally he might to create or invent a romantic vision of the Due west, Lewis was still more a product of the Englightenment. [8] For romantics, color was the life and soul of a picture and was in itself capable of building up form without recourse to contour-lines. [24] Stewart, Miller's employer and travelling companion, provided his own descriptions of the Indian in his romantic novel based on his western travels. [8] Poor fellow, he'due south come up to a typical, wretched, yet exotic Romantic ending. [15] Forth with Nationalism, the Romantics adult the love of the exotic. [thirteen] What could exist more romantic? An exotic, distant setting in the fabulous, Arab world, a slave in love with a princess, a tribe of men who die of love, and the slave growing paler and paler, evidently dying of love for the princess. [15]

The general romantic dissatisfaction with the organization of society was often channeled into specific criticism of urban order. [10]

Many examples of the importance of nature'southward theme in the Romantic Catamenia of music exist. [9] Wordsworth's personality and poesy were deeply influenced past his love of nature There are many nifty examples of how nature made its way onto the canvas of some of the greatest artists of all fourth dimension during the Romantic Period. [9] There has hardly been a fourth dimension since the primeval antiquity that Europeans did not celebrate nature in some form or other, only the attitudes toward nature mutual in the Western world today emerged generally during the Romantic period. [11] While traditional western civilization had idea of poets as holding up a mirror to nature and imitating what they saw there, the Romantic period changed that image to a fountain or a lamp which gave out from itself instead of simply mirroring the world effectually it. [15] As the Romantic period emphasized on human emotions, the position of the artist or the poet also gained supremacy. [thirteen] THE ROMANTIC Period OF MUSIC CHARACTERISTICS: Apply of farthermost expressions and emotions. [16] THE ROMANTIC PERIOD OF MUSIC CHARACTERISTICS: Emphasis on lyrical melodies. [16] THE ROMANTIC PERIOD OF MUSIC CHARACTERISTICS: It focused on the meaning and purpose behind the music and its main objective was to get an emotional reaction from its audience. [16] ROMANTIC PERIOD MUSIC Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertizement. [16]

In that location are so many works of fine art that embody this theme and helps us learn how the Romantic period really emphasized the individual, the imagination, the emotional, and the visionary. [9] Though Romantic elements had been present in art and literature for several centuries, it was the publication of 'Lyrical Ballads', a drove of poems by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in 1798 that ushered forth the Romantic menstruation. [13] Fairies, witches, angelsall the fantastic creatures of the Medieval popular imagination came flooding back into the European arts in the Romantic catamenia (and all are present in Faust ). [11]

Pioneers of the Romantic period wanted to intermission away from the conventions of the Age of Enlightenment and brand way for individuality and experimentation. [thirteen] Rousseau has been called the father of the Romantic movement because his "enthusiasm for nature and his appeal to the emotions. opened the fashion for. the Romantic. [xv] Basic to such sentiments was an interest key to the romantic movement: the concern with nature and natural surroundings. [10]

On an American mind well-prepared by the Romantic motion, these impressions flare-up with corking vigour. [8] French Romantic painting is full of themes relating to the tumultuous political events of the period and later Romantic music frequently draws its inspiration from national folk musics. [xi]

RANKED SELECTED SOURCES(24 source documents arranged by frequency of occurrence in the above report)

1. (39) Journal of Historical Geography [Great Britain] 18:1 (1992) 27-40. | Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

2. (27) Romanticism | Common Errors in English Usage and More | Washington Land University

3. (26) romanticism

4. (22) THE ROMANTIC Flow (1825-4900)

5. (22) Exoticism - Music - Oxford Bibliographies

half-dozen. (22) Romanticism

vii. (eighteen) An Intellectual Movement: Romanticism and Its Characteristics

eight. (17) Romanticism | Britannica.com

9. (12) British Romantic Era Poets

ten. (ten) The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Romantic Age: Topic 4: Overview

eleven. (7) ROMANTIC Catamenia MUSIC

12. (vii) Exoticism - Wikipedia

13. (six) Exploring Classical Music: The Romantic Era, Part 2 | Musical U

xiv. (half-dozen) Romanticism Part II ~ THE MUSICIANS LOUNGE

15. (half dozen) Exoticism Composers were not limited to the idioms of their native music and

16. (5) The Romanticism

17. (5) Nationalism and Music in the Romantic Era

eighteen. (5) Puccini and the Romantic-Exoticism of Turandot - Opera Philadelphia

19. (4) Romanticism

20. (3) Music of Sarasate (1844-1908) and Self-Exoticism -- NOREE Sleeping accommodation SOLOISTS

21. (two) Romanticism - New World Encyclopedia

22. (2) Romantic Flow Music [M.Tevfik DORAK]

23. (1) Romantic Era - Musical Nationalism, Exoticism & Art Song Flashcards | Quizlet

24. (ane) Carmen Opera | Exotic Musical Elements

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Source: http://world-history-education-resources.com/romantic-era/romantic-era-exoticism.html

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