How Do You Know Your Overweight

This calculator should only be used by adults (pregnant or lactating women should not rely on these BMI readings), and no action should be taken based on its values other than to consult a suitably qualified person such as a doctor.

The calculator will give you an idea of how your weight compares to mutual values. Body Mass Index (or BMI) is calculated as your weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of your pinnacle (in metres) or BMI = Kg/M2.

Is Body Mass Index reliable?

Your BMI, or Torso Mass Index, is a mensurate of your weight compared to your height. Accurate assessments of obesity are important, every bit being overweight or obese significantly increases your chance of a diversity of medical conditions including type two diabetes, heart illness and cancer. As levels of overweight or obesity increment, the spotlight has fallen on BMI and its shortcomings every bit a measure out of platonic weight for individuals, rather than whole populations of people where 'averages' apply.

"Some people naturally have a larger frame than others. Merely this causes quite a minor variation in weight and is accounted for in the range of salubrious BMI. At that place is really no such thing equally someone who is large-boned." Dr Jan Sambrook,How to lose weight in a salubrious way

For nearly adults, BMI gives a good estimate of your weight-related health risks. If your BMI is over 35, your weight is definitely putting your health at risk, regardless of the factors below. However, in that location are some situations where BMI may underestimate or overestimate these risks in the 25-35 BMI range. The principal ones are:


Your GP or wellness visitor can advise on where your kid sits on the 'centile charts' used to gauge healthy weights for children.

Significant women

Usual BMI estimates do not apply if you're pregnant.

If you are very muscular

BMI assumes you have an boilerplate corporeality of body fat, including 'intra-abdominal fat' – fat deep within your stomach cavity rather than under your skin. Intra-intestinal fat is much more closely linked to risks of type 2 diabetes and heart disease than fatty under the peel.

If you are very muscular, your level of body fat may exist lower than predicted by your BMI. However, this only applies to people who do high levels of practise – much more average.

If y'all are of Asian origin

People of Asian origin are prone to accumulating intra-intestinal fat (fat deep inside your stomach crenel rather than under your skin) at a lower BMI than people of Caucasian origin. People with this blueprint of weight gain are described as 'apples' rather than 'pears' from their body outline. This ways their health risks kickoff to ascension at a lower BMI, considering intra-abdominal fat is direct linked to development of heart affliction and type ii diabetes.

The Globe Wellness Organisation has looked at the evidence and considering of the variability between different Asian populations, information technology hasn't officially changed the cut-off points. However, information technology does recommend that for public wellness purposes, some Asian groups should be considered overweight if their BMI is 22-25, and obese with a BMI of 26-31.

Older people (over 65, possibly over lx)

Considering muscle mass tends to drop and body fatty tends to ascent in older people, BMI may not exist an accurate reflector of trunk fat if you're over 60.

Culling estimates of weight-related wellness risks

If you lot feel BMI may not accurately reflect whether yous are overweight or obese, measuring your intestinal circumference, waist-hip or waist-pinnacle ratio may give you a more realistic gauge.

Waist circumference

Yous measure your waist circumference half way betwixt the bottom of your ribcage and the summit of your hip bones, with the tape measure parallel to the floor. Y'all must be breathing out when you mensurate.


  • Increased health risk - ≥94cm
  • High wellness risk - ≥102cm


  • Increased health risk - ≥80cm
  • High wellness risk - ≥88cm

Waist to hip ratio

To check your waist to hip ratio, mensurate your waist circumference (as in a higher place), and your hip size at the widest part of your hips. Split up your abdominal circumference by your hip measurement to requite a ratio.

  • In women, a waist to hip ratio greater than 0.85 is associated with greater than average chance.
  • In men, a waist to hip ratio greater than ane.00 is associated with greater than average adventure.

Waist to height ratio

A recent study comparing BMI, waist circumference, waist to hip ratio and waist to height ratio found that the nearly accurate style of predicting your whole-trunk fat level was waist-height ratio.

Measure your waist circumference as in a higher place and simply carve up it by your height – adequately manifestly both measurements should either exist in imperial (inches) or metric (cm).

Whole body obesity is defined by a waist-tiptop ratio of:

  • 0.53 or more for men
  • 0.54 or more for women

Abdominal obesity was defined by a waist-tiptop ratio of 0.59 or more than.

Disclaimer: This article is for data merely and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical weather condition. Egton Medical Data Systems Limited has used all reasonable intendance in compiling the information only brand no warranty as to its accurateness. Consult a doctor or other wellness intendance professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical atmospheric condition. For details run into our atmospheric condition.


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