What You Guys Again I Can t Move My Body

Sleep Paralysis

Medically Reviewed by Sabrina Felson, Medico on Oct 17, 2020

Is Sleep Paralysis a Symptom of a Serious Trouble?

Slumber researchers conclude that, in almost cases, sleep paralysis is simply a sign that your body is not moving smoothly through the stages of sleep. Rarely is sleep paralysis linked to deep underlying psychiatric bug.

Over the centuries, symptoms of sleep paralysis accept been described in many ways and often attributed to an "evil" presence: unseen dark demons in ancient times, the former hag in Shakespeare'due south Romeo and Juliet, and conflicting abductors. Almost every civilization throughout history has had stories of shadowy evil creatures that terrify helpless humans at night. People have long sought explanations for this mysterious sleep-time paralysis and the accompanying feelings of terror.

What Is Sleep Paralysis?

Slumber paralysis is a feeling of being witting but unable to movement. It occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep. During these transitions, yous may exist unable to movement or speak for a few seconds up to a few minutes. Some people may also experience pressure or a sense of choking. Sleep paralysis may back-trail other sleep disorders such as narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is an overpowering demand to sleep caused by a problem with the brain's ability to regulate sleep.

When Does Slumber Paralysis Commonly Occur?

Sleep paralysis usually occurs at one of two times. If it occurs while you are falling asleep, it's chosen hypnagogic or predormital sleep paralysis. If it happens as you are waking upwardly, it's called hypnopompic or postdormital sleep paralysis.

What Happens With Hypnagogic Slumber Paralysis?

As y'all fall asleep, your body slowly relaxes. Usually y'all go less enlightened, and then you practice non notice the alter. However, if you remain or become aware while falling asleep, you may detect that you lot cannot move or speak.

What Happens With Hypnopompic Slumber Paralysis?

During slumber, your torso alternates between REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non-rapid middle movement) slumber. 1 wheel of REM and NREM sleep lasts almost 90 minutes. NREM sleep occurs outset and takes up to 75% of your overall slumber fourth dimension. During NREM sleep, your trunk relaxes and restores itself. At the end of NREM, your sleep shifts to REM. Your eyes move speedily and dreams occur, merely the rest of your body remains very relaxed. Your muscles are "turned off" during REM sleep. If you lot go enlightened before the REM cycle has finished, you lot may notice that you cannot move or speak.

Who Develops Sleep Paralysis?

Upwards to equally many as iv out of every x people may take sleep paralysis. This mutual condition is often outset noticed in the teen years. But men and women of any age can have information technology. Sleep paralysis may run in families. Other factors that may exist linked to sleep paralysis include:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Sleep schedule that changes
  • Mental conditions such as stress or bipolar disorder
  • Sleeping on the dorsum
  • Other sleep bug such as narcolepsy or night leg cramps
  • Use of certain medications, such equally those for ADHD
  • Substance corruption

How Is Sleep Paralysis Diagnosed?

If you lot find yourself unable to move or speak for a few seconds or minutes when falling asleep or waking upwardly, then it is likely yous take isolated recurrent sleep paralysis. Frequently there is no demand to treat this condition.

Cheque with your doctor if you have any of these concerns:

  • Y'all feel anxious about your symptoms
  • Your symptoms leave y'all very tired during the day
  • Your symptoms keep you up during the night

Your doctor may want to gather more information about your sleep health by doing any of the following:

  • Inquire you to describe your symptoms and keep a slumber diary for a few weeks
  • Discuss your wellness history, including any known sleep disorders or whatsoever family unit history of sleep disorders
  • Refer you to a sleep specialist for further evaluation
  • Carry overnight sleep studies or daytime nap studies to make sure y'all practise not accept another sleep disorder

How Is Slumber Paralysis Treated?

Almost people demand no treatment for sleep paralysis. Treating whatsoever underlying conditions such every bit narcolepsy may help if yous are anxious or unable to slumber well. These treatments may include the following:

  • Improving sleep habits -- such as making sure yous get vi to eight hours of slumber each night
  • Using antidepressant medication if it is prescribed to assistance regulate sleep cycles
  • Treating any mental health issues that may contribute to slumber paralysis
  • Treating whatever other sleep disorders, such every bit narcolepsy or leg cramps

What Can I Do About Sleep Paralysis?

There'due south no need to fright nighttime demons or alien abductors. If yous accept occasional slumber paralysis, you tin can take steps at domicile to command this disorder. Outset by making certain you become enough slumber. Practice what you can to relieve stress in your life -- peculiarly just before bedtime. Try new sleeping positions if you sleep on your back. And be certain to encounter your doctor if sleep paralysis routinely prevents you from getting a good night'southward sleep.


Source: https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/sleep-paralysis

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